
Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Recurrent Toothache

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While dismissing an occasional twinge in your tooth may be tempting, recurrent toothaches shouldn’t be ignored. These are often signals of underlying dental issues that, without proper treatment, can snowball into serious problems.

Richard Blackburn, DMD, and the team at Volterra Dental specialize in identifying the root cause of your tooth pain and preventing further complications, such as infection or even tooth loss.

Let’s examine some of the reasons why you shouldn’t ignore a recurrent toothache to help you understand the importance of early intervention to avoid severe oral health consequences.

What causes toothaches?

Toothaches arise from a variety of problems affecting the tooth or its surrounding tissues. Let’s take a look at some of the most common culprits behind tooth pain:

Tooth decay

Cavities can expose sensitive dentin within the tooth, which can cause pain and temperature sensitivity when you eat or drink cold foods or breathe in cold air.

Gum disease

Inflamed or infected gums (gingivitis or periodontitis) can irritate the roots of teeth, leading to throbbing discomfort. Regular dental cleanings, alongside twice-daily brushing and flossing at home, keep gum disease at bay.

Cracked or damaged teeth

Chipped, fractured, or broken teeth can expose nerves within the tooth, causing sharp pain when biting or chewing. Cracks can be hidden or tiny, making them difficult to detect without dental X-rays.

Loose or worn fillings

Old or damaged fillings can create openings for bacteria to infiltrate the tooth, resulting in sensitivity and pain, especially when eating. During a routine dental exam, Dr. Blackburn can identify any wear, cracks, or chips in your fillings.

Dental abscess

A pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection can put pressure on the surrounding nerves, causing intense and persistent throbbing pain. If you suspect you have a dental abscess, immediately make an emergency appointment

Risks of ignoring toothaches

The underlying issue behind a recurrent toothache won’t disappear on its own. Whether it’s a cavity, gum disease, or a cracked tooth, neglecting the problem leads to major and costly issues down the road. 

A small cavity can become a deep infection, requiring a root canal or tooth extraction. Gum disease can progress, leading to bone loss and loose teeth.

In some cases, dental infections can spread to the sinuses, causing facial pain, congestion, and headaches. Untreated infections can also reach the bloodstream and travel to the brain or heart, a potentially life-threatening scenario.

Early intervention is key to preventing complex and expensive dental procedures. Addressing a cavity early on may require a simple filling versus a more complicated root canal. Similarly, treating gum disease in its earlier stages is simpler than managing the advanced stages.

You can prevent these risks by prioritizing your dental health, seeking expert care at the first sign of a toothache, and ensuring a healthier, happier smile. Call or click to make an appointment with us today at Volterra Dental in Los Alamitos, California.